Who we are ?

Who are we ?

Discover our security expert activities and our values

We are a team made up of experts in various fields of expertise (firefighters, police officers, gendarmes, martial arts coaches, architects, preventionists, computer engineers, electricians) benefiting from several years of experience in an international dimension linked to advice and operational services in the field of Safety and Security, Facility Management (training, construction, connection, logistics, management of specialized resources), guaranteeing the quality of our services.

20 years of expertise

in training, consulting and auditing with our customers and partners

15 international experts

adaptive force, even in complex environments and hostile areas

80 000 peoples

that we have trained in Africa and Europe

Our intervention areas

BSI consulting works for the stability of your companies and organizations in terms of security. Whatever your geographic scope, we support you with consulting, auditing, training and operational services.
Our intervention areas

Our values

We are united by values: Respect, Humility, Integrity, Resilience, Sense of Responsibility, Confidence and Commitment are the values that characterize our mutual strengths and for which we stand behind in order to provide strong technical and operational solutions. added value to our customers. We operate in Europe and outside of Europe.

The reasons and needs of our customers revolve around the issue of quality, safety and environmental standards are at the heart of their development policy, without forgetting the need and importance of economic intelligence.

The need for advice, training and expertise are essential for your growth!

For our clients

Please note, all real estate players (Establishments receiving public, private, industrial and tertiary services), from developer to user, are concerned by safety and security issues. Indeed, like all businesses, real estate professionals are exposed to all categories of issues: energy risk linked to the climate, cyber, technological, fire, intrusion, theft, fraud, corruption, malicious intent, harm to personnel, company assets and branding, etc.

In recent years, advances in Artificial Intelligence have given rise to new predictive analytics software. In the near future, they could make it possible to better analyze and therefore better anticipate incidents and malicious acts, therefore we will meet your expectations in order to anticipate risks.

In our hyper-connected societies, the challenges of digital security have never been greater. Increasingly dependent on information and communication technologies, companies must now prepare for the risks of cyber attacks. BSI-Consulting supports you from the start of your project to its completion, and well beyond.

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